Excerpt from an interview with the AHK (= Chamber of Foreign Trade) Greater China
What are the advantages of Chinese technology companies entering the German/European market? In what ways are they competitive?
The often faster adaptation of products to a constantly changing market situation – due to changing consumer behavior or adapted laws – can be a competitive advantage of Chinese manufacturers.
What forms can Chinese companies take to enter the German/European market? How to open the German/European market quickly?
The fastest and simplest way to open the European/German market quickly is to benefit from existing local structures This allows the manufacturer, without high investment and without risk, to concentrate on sales, learn about the potential and the market before having big (long-term) investments.
The keywords “outsourcing” or “remote office” are the most important
How does today’s international situation affect the entry of Chinese technology companies into the German/European market? What are the problems encountered in competing with local companies? (e.g. disputes over intellectual property rights) How should Chinese companies manage their risks?
There are many rules, fees and regulations in Europe. Some are country-specific, others are industry-specific. CE, WEEE, customs fees, GEMA to name a few examples.
It may be a lot of bureaucracy, but once a manufacturer complies with all the obligations, all further handling is smooth and there are no severe penalties you have to be afraid of.
Access to local service agencies eliminates several potential barriers at once. Nevertheless, the manufacturer is close at hand and constantly learns about language, culture, local bureaucracy, and all of that without any risk.
德国/欧洲哪些行业对于中国企业来说有市场机会 ?
Which industries in Germany/Europe have market opportunities for Chinese companies?
The entire high-tech and electronic industries from China are in great demand in Europe. Likewise: chemicals (incl. medical), garments, machinery, and metal products.
What challenges do Chinese companies often encounter when entering the German/European market? (e.g. cultural differences in the workplace, marketing techniques, public relations, sales style, after-sales service) How can they be overcome?
Some supposedly simple formal steps can be complex and, depending on the decision taken, may influence further business activities for years.
For example the choice of the location of the branch office, the chosen corporate form, employee contracts, etc.
Chinese manufacturers should also consider that a lot of business – especially bigger projects are often given on a trust basis, or even during a business dinner.
One can observe that business practices are copied from home, or from competitors. In principle, this is a good approach, but it often overlooks market peculiarities, special requirements for bureaucratic or tax advantages, and possible local competitive advantages. Possible direct and immediate savings are often difficult to correct later.
How to promote the sustainable development of the company?
A strong network of partners built up over a long period of time is important. In the IT-channel, for example, these are distributors and system houses. These partners have access to the entire reseller market, as well as information on large project tenders.
Accompanying PR and marketing work is also necessary. Depending on the product, through reviews in social media, in the channel, or in the specialized press.