About Us
The company BridgeToEurope GmbH & Co. KG has been supporting IT technology companies in Europe for about 15 years.
Our core competence is to support foreign IT manufacturers to enter the German-speaking market.
BridgeToEurope (B2E) was founded in July 2009 as a Trading Agency.
Since 2012 the current corporate form (GmbH & Co. KG) is in place with the two managing directors: Andreas Dölker and Mathias Fürlinger.
The company is based in Munich with modern offices and warehouses.
Permanent staff: currently approx. 10 IT specialists plus freelancers. Dedicated “remote employees” are exclusively available to our customers after a short training phase. Like your own employees – but uncomplicated and without any risk.
Customized BPO is becoming one of the most frequently requested services by our customers.
Handling large-scale EU customs processing for a US corporation with global operations.
D-A-CH market entry, distribution as well as lead generation for Intrusion.com – a leading US manufacturer of IDS solutions.
Installation of a TÜV certified data protection officer.
D-A-CH market entry, distribution, presales consultants, and support for MiNE Media Inc. from China. Manufacturer of video streaming solutions.
Amazon marketing and fulfillment for hamax.com – a leading manufacturer of children’s bike seats made in Sweden.
Implementation of Salesforce as CRM and Ticket-System.
Implementation of exemplary high data security standards, as well as a clean desk policy.
About 250m2 QNAP booth at CeBit computer fair in Hannover – the biggest computer fair in the world at that time.
Restructuring of own office infrastructure to a GDPR-compliant cloud solution.
Business development and contract negotiation between Ubee Interactive (manufacturer of broadband solutions) and the leading telco providers.
Providing a sales floor team and the marketing tasks for Tucano, a computer bag manufacturer.
Already four fixed employees in the areas: sales, marketing and technical support.
Building the QNAP (Taiwan manufacturer) brand in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
(from zero until today – to the second largest SMB/Consumer-
Network-Attached-Storage manufacturer in Europe)
The company was founded as the BridgeToEurope OHG.
The company founders had met privately shortly before:
Andreas Dölker – IT-Channelexpert with more than 30 years of market experience and
Dipl. Ing. Mathias Fürlinger – a technical expert with 30 years of project and IT experience.