Local Press Distribution
Press Distribution – reaching the right customer base in a targeted manner
Even the best press release, with high news value and perfectly designed, has little success if it does not reach the right contacts in a targeted manner. It’s no coincidence that one of the golden rules of corporate communications states: press work thrives on contacts. The success of your press work stands and falls with the right press distribution list.
The press release is written? Then it’s time to distribute it. For this, you need a suitable press distribution list. The most important thing in times of information overload is to target the right media.
The primary goal of press relations should not be to get as much coverage as possible, but to be represented in the relevant media. And relevant media are those that your customers read.
If you want to place your press releases in a meaningful way, make use of existing local press contacts of BridgeToEurope. Please ask for furher details.